Dales Valley Electric: Your Trusted Residential and Commercial Electrician in San Fernando Valley

Since 1967, Dales Valley Electric has been a cornerstone of reliable electrical services in Los Angeles. Founded by Ben Hoffer, our family-owned and operated company now proudly serves the San Fernando Valley, Agoura, and Westlake. Whether you need residential or commercial wiring, our skilled technicians are ready to handle your electrical needs with expertise and […]

Reasons to Get a Backup Generator from a Generator Company in Chatsworth

Because of reliance on IT, many companies have a contingency plan for their computer and data systems but somehow many fail to consider the loophole that is a failure in the power supply. While Valley power systems have a good track record with few outages, an incident can occur at any time, just as something […]

Is Electrician in Chatsworth Necessary During Bathroom Remodeling

Bathroom remodeling can be a huge project. And it does involve electrical work. Thus, you must hire an experienced, licensed electrician in Chatsworth.  Hire an Electrician in Chatsworth for Any Remodeling Project  No matter which part of your house that requires remodeling, it is likely that it needs an upgrade to the current electrical components. […]

We Can Help You Hire a Reliable Electrical Contractor in Chatsworth

The electrical system in your house experiences wear and tear too. That’s why it is vital that it has to be inspected regularly by a licensed electrical contractor in Chatsworth. And Dales Valley Electric can help you out. Electrical Repairs Without proper equipment, training and experience, handling electrical repairs can be completely dangerous. For that […]